It's time. Time for me. Time to just be. Time to write out all of the things that I've learned. It's time. In August of this year, I...

We The Meaning Makers, Part 1
We love the narrative, don't we? The way a story draws us in and captivates our imaginations? It's what we do, we humans. We make...

The Push To Be Exceptional
I'm in the biz of encouragement, the practise of purpose driven lives, and yet, I'm noticing a trend toward overwhelm and an emphasis on...

Choosing Courageous Vulnerability Over Fear
As I write, I'm sitting, quietly, in a beautiful room, watching over a dying friend, as he sleeps. We’ve just spent the last hour talking...

Unfinished Business
Sometimes it can be difficult to move forward, because there’s something from the past holding us back. Something unfinished. Something...

Ripple Effect
I was working on my writing, today, when it struck me just how impacting our choices can be. We can make what we think is a personal and...

Does Having An Open Relationship Mean I Have To Live in a Commune, Be Naked and Love Everybody?
Sounds pretty hippy dippy, doesn’t it? And, yet, this can be a common expectation or misconception amongst those considering polyamory. ...

Living Transparently
A question I hear posed, quite often, within alternative sex and relationship communities, is "Just how "out" should I be, with friends,...